Our very own Azelynn Jones competed at the State Track Meet today in Middleton. She set a personal record, placed 6th, and received a medal in the 3200! Congratulations Azelynn! Mustang Nation is proud of you!

Come support the FFA program on May 16th at 6:00pm for some wonderful activities and a silent auction! The Blazing Guns Pizza Wagon will be there and donate part of the profits to FFA! See you there!

There was a typo in the last message. Hawley Creek is WEDNESDAY, May 22nd not Tuesday. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Attention students going to Hawley Creek on Tuesday, May 22nd. The student body is asking students to bring "Yard Games" to add the fun of the day. It will be fun filled day on the mountain with food, games, music, and more. Call the school with questions!

Last Newsletter of the year!

As quickly as the school year started...the time has come to wrap things up. We hope the year has been positive and successful. Thank you for the support!
At this time we would like to remind parents that meal fees, uniforms, library books to be returned, yearbook purchases, and other items that need to be attended to are quickly approaching as we are finishing the year. If you know of any of these items apply to you, please contact the school to resolve the details. Thank you.

Just a quick reminder that the Leadore High School Awards Banquet will be held tomorrow, Tuesday, May 14th. There will be a potluck dinner at 6:00 PM and the awards portion will start at 6:30 PM. We hope to see everyone there. Go Mustangs!!

8-15 May 2024 Newsletter

This coming Thursday, May 9th, the Leadore School will have a Virtual Day. Students will be required to either meet with teacher or do virtual classwork as arranged. The reason for our virtual day is due to District Track and a Funeral scheduled that day. Staffing and Substitutes will be scarce. The Tendoy School will hold classes and a field trip scheduled for that day. Thank you.

Good Afternoon. Last round of IRI testing is next week. Tendoy is Tuesday, May 7th and Leadore K-3rd is Wednesday, May 8th. Any questions please call the school. Happy May!

1-8 May 2024 Newsletter

Hunter Safety begins today in the Leadore School Library.
April 29-May 1 will be from 5:30-7pm
May 3rd will be from 3-6pm
May 4th will be from 9am to 1pm

Good morning,
In an effort to minimize disruptions to our learning, and to help our office staff and our communication: If you need to get a hold of the office or a staff member, please call the school phone number at 208-768-2441, and not personal cell phone numbers.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

(updated) Newsletter 24-1 May 2024

Mrs. Dingler's class is presenting their play: "The Great North America" , Monday, April 22nd at 6pm. Everyone welcome to come!

17-24 April 2024 Newsletter

Thank you to everyone who has participated in the teacher feedback survey thus far. If you have not had the opportunity to fill it out, please take a few minutes to do so. We could also use some additional feedback for the Tendoy school and our Junior High and High School teachers. Thank you, again; we really value your input.

The Leadore High School Awards Banquet will be held Tuesday, May 14th. There will be a potluck dinner at 6:00 PM and the awards portion will start at 6:30 PM. We hope to see everyone there. Go Mustangs!!

FYI: Summer Theater Camp! See flyer for details!

The Freshman class needs some community help! They are asking for donations for prom decorations! Their theme this year is a "Barn Dance" so if you have old, vintage, barn wood gates/doors, destressed items , etc. laying around your house or ranch, please bring them to the school! Prom is Saturday, April 20th, so the sooner the better. With questions or to make pickup arrangements please call the school. All items will be returned after prom at your convenience. Thanks so much!