28-4 Sept 2024 Newsletter
7 months ago, Student Body
Breakfast for Tuesday: french toast sticks Lunch for Tuesday: hot dogs and/or hamburgers Breakfast for Wednesday: breakfast burritos Lunch for Wednesday: chicken nuggets. Breakfast for Thursday: cereal. Lunch for Thursday: bean and cheese burrito.
7 months ago, District Office
Okay- let's try this again. (Disregard last message.) Please see attached (CORRECTED) bus schedule for the 2024-2025 school year. (If viewing this as a text message - the attachment can be viewed online.) See everyone tomorrow!
7 months ago, Student Body
Hello! A few announcements before the first day back, Tuesday, August 27th. *Back-to-school night is tomorrow night, Monday the 26th, 5-7pm. *There is an ALL-school BBQ lunch sponsored by the student body on Tuesday. Hot dogs and hamburgers will be served (all lunch times will be the same). *The first day of school is also "L" Day for JH and HS. Please wear your Mustang Blue and bring your work clothes to paint the "L". Have a great Sunday!
7 months ago, Student Body
Good morning, Quick correction: This Tuesday, August 13th, from 10am-3pm, registration will take place at the Leadore School for all students. If you are unable to attend, there will be a make-up day on Thursday, August 15th, from 10am-3pm. Also, please note there will be an open house/back to school event for all grades levels on Monday, August 26th, from 5pm-7pm. We look forward to seeing you all soon!
7 months ago, South Lemhi School District
Good morning, This Tuesday, August 13th from 10am-3pm, registration will take place at the Leadore school for 7th-12th graders. If you are unable to attend there will be a makeup day on Thursday August 15th from 10am-3pm. Also please note there will be a open house/back to school event for all grades levels on Monday, August 26th from 5pm-7pm. We look forward to seeing you all soon!
7 months ago, South Lemhi School District
Here are a few things that you'll need to have as we head back to the school year. Secondary Class Schedule - please look it over and have an idea of what you would like to take. There is also a new bell schedule please be aware of the changes. Also we have attached the School Calendar for the year.
7 months ago, Mrs. Janet Proulx
Secondary Schedule
bell schedule
school calendar
Cross country practice will begin on Monday the 12th of August. Practice will be held that evening at the school at 6:00. Newcomers are welcome. Anyone in 5th-12th grade can join. Bring a good pair of shoes and a water bottle. Students in odd grades (5,7,9,11) need a physical to participate. Feel free to contact Kendall Beyeler at (208) 768-7314 or Tawna Jones at (208) 303-0494 with any questions.
7 months ago, Mr. Mayo
Here is an opportunity to get your physical done for sports.
8 months ago, Mr. Mayo
Sports Physicals
Good evening! The District is still in search of a Child Nutrition Supervisor at the Leadore School AND a 7th and 8th Grade Volleyball Coach. Please inquire at the school asap. Have a great night!
8 months ago, South Lemhi School District
Yearbooks can be picked up today between the times of 5 pm - 6:30 pm.
8 months ago, Student Body
Hello! Yearbooks are ready and available for pick up tomorrow, Monday, July 8th. Please come to the school to get yours! Any books that are paid for, will be held until the start of the new school year and passed out then. Also, right now this pickup time is ONLY for yearbooks that have been PAID for. If there are unsold books, we will sell those at the start of the new school year. Happy Summer! Any questions contact Mrs. Mulkey
8 months ago, Yearbook Staff
Good afternoon, The summer reading program "Read for Adventure" begins on May 28th and goes through August 28th with activities occurring every Wednesday from 2-4pm. All ages are invited. For more details see the flyer on our website or visit our local library. Have a great summer!
10 months ago, South Lemhi School District
Summer Reading Program
School Year 2024-25 Calendar and Jr./H Daily Schedule. https://shorturl.at/H5vpM https://shorturl.at/HJpZS
10 months ago, District Office
Good Evening! There will be a "Smarty" roping dummy at the school tomorrow morning. Bring your dummy ropes...and happy almost summer!
10 months ago, Student Body
Student Body still is asking for JH/HS students to bring yard games and activities to play before we head to the movie in Salmon. Happy last week!
10 months ago, South Lemhi School District
The weather outside is frightful...so were thinking of something delightful. On Wednesday, instead of heading to Hawley Creek, games and activities will take place at the Leadore school. Lunch will be Pizza Rippers. In the afternoon, the Elementary will have a movie day at the school. The Jr./H school will travel to Salmon for a Movie Day at the Salmon River Cinemas. IF. We hope this will be a fun change. On Thursday...grades 9-12 will register for next years classes before leaving for the summer.
10 months ago, District Office
Good evening. FFA will be selling ice cream at lunch tomorrow 5/21 and Wednesday 5/22 as long as there is some still available. The cost will be $1.00 a bowl for any who are interested.
10 months ago, South Lemhi School District
Happy Last Week! Please make sure you have all your student's fees paid to the office before end of day Thursday, May 23rd. Also school will be released at 11:30am! Call the school with any questions.
10 months ago, South Lemhi School District
Spring has brought us such a nice suprise...oh wait...wrong song! It seems that winter is not done with us yet. Today's Track Meet for the Elementary at Leadore will be moved indoors.
10 months ago, District Office