FYI: The game times in Challis on January 6th have slightly changed because we are only doing a 1/2 game of JV Boys Basketball. Here are the updated game times. JV Girls will play at 1:00. JV Boys will play their 1/2 game at 2:30. Varsity Girls will play at 3:00, or close to that. It will just immediately follow the 1/2 game. Varsity Boys will play at 4:30. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. Thanks! Share this with anyone who you think it may affect.

There is a menu change for Thursday, December 21st. Pepperoni Rippers INSTEAD of Bean and Cheese Burritos

Newsletter 3-10 Jan 2024

There have been a few changes to the basketball schedule. We added a game to the girls schedule, and moved one game. Please refer to this schedule, and get rid of other schedules to avoid confusion on game dates and times. Please reach out to me if you have any questions about the schedule. Thanks!

The Student is doing a Christmas themed Spirit Week with Dress up days! Merry Christmas!

13-21 Dec 2023 (updated)

6-13 Dec 2023 (updated)

We are canceling the JV game on Wednesday, December 6th at 6:00 against Salmon. We don't have enough players because of injuries and multiple sick kids. So, we'll only have a Varsity game at 7:00. It's been a crazy circus trying to get games squared away.

Because of the ball games scheduled for Wednesday, December 6th, classes for the Leadore School will have a delayed start...2 hours later this Thursday, December 7th.

Here are the most up-to-date HS basketball schedules. There have been a few changes, so make people aware and get rid of old schedules. Thanks!

Here is the week at a glance for Athletics:
Tuesday Dec. 5
JH Girls BB @ Home vs. Sho-Ban @4:00
HS Girls BB @ Home vs. Sho-Ban @ 5:30
HS Boys BB @ Home vs. Sho-Ban @ 7:00
Wednesday Dec. 6
HS Girls BB @ Carey - JV @5:00 Varsity@6:30
HS Boys BB @ Home vs. Salmon - JV Half Game @6:00 Varsity at 7:00
Saturday Dec. 9
HS Varsity Boys BB @ Home vs. Lima @ 4:00

FYI: Due to injuries and sickness, there will be no JV boys basketball today. We will still have JV girls and Varsity boys and girls games. The new times are as follows: JV girls at 5:00. Varsity girls at 6:00. Varsity boys at 7:30. Thanks!

29- 6 Dec 2023 Newsletter

The Leadore School is searching for a Jr. High (7/8 grade) Boys Basketball Coach. Practice is scheduled to begin soon. If interested, please contact the school a.s.a.p. 208-768-2441. Thank you.

Contact Kortni Lufkin and Jess Bird with any questions about the Youth Basketball Clinic! Understand that only students who come to practice will be allowed play during the games this year. 1st-5th Grade students were given flyers in class today.
Go Mustangs!

Here are the most up-to-date schedules for HS basketball. There are some changes, so be sure to get rid of old schedules. Please share a copy with community members who don't have the app. Thanks!

The basketball games on Wednesday, November 15th at Salmon have had some changes. Due to Salmon not having a JV team, there will only be a Varsity game on Wednesday for the High School. That game is at 7:00. The Junior High girls will also play Salmon on Wednesday at 5:30. They were scheduled to play at 4:00, but that has changed to 5:30. Also, the Junior High game that was scheduled for Friday, November 17th against Mackay has been postponed. We will send out an announcement on the make up date when we know.

Newsletter 15-22 November 2023

Happy Veterans Day from the Leadore Elementary students!

We are excited about the opportunity we have this Saturday to honor our veterans. The younger Elementary classes have been working hard to prepare a song to sing for the veterans in attendance at the girl's first home basketball game at 1:00 pm. While we realize not everyone will be able to make it, we are hoping to have a good turnout!
If possible, please have your student to the school by 12:50 pm this Saturday. We are encouraging the kids to wear lots of red, white and blue! 🇺🇸