The High School girls have their first district basketball game at home on Saturday, January 27th at 5:00 p.m. against Watersprings. Please come out and support the girls by cheering them on to victory. Go Lady Mustangs!!!!
about 1 year ago, Mr. Mayo
Monday, January 29th will be the Elementary Parent/Teacher Conferences. If you have not been contacted already, we ask that you please set up an appointment with your child's teacher. This applies for only grades K-6. Thank you.
about 1 year ago, District Office
Please watch for a packet about the Elementary Maverick Ski Trip. All forms and money is due to the school office no later than February 5th. This is also the day Maverick will be at Leadore and Tendoy to measure students for the ski program. Students will only be allowed to ski (if they need equipment) if they are present on the 5th. Leadore Elementary Ski Days are February 23rd and March 1st. Please let the school know if you have any questions!
about 1 year ago, South Lemhi School District
Good afternoon, a letter was distributed today to 5th-11th grade girls regarding club volleyball in Leadore. If you could please read and respond to that note as soon as possible, the deadline is quickly approaching on the 31st of January. Thank you for your attention.
about 1 year ago, South Lemhi School District
24-31 Jan 2024 Newsletter
about 1 year ago, Student Body
Also, breakfast will not be served in the morning due to the late start. Thank you for your attention.
about 1 year ago, South Lemhi School District
Just as a reminder, due to the lateness of the ball games tonight, there will be a late start tomorrow, January 23rd. School will begin around 10am. Buses will follow their regular route times, but with a two hour delay. Thank you!
about 1 year ago, South Lemhi School District
Due to sickness with Salmon's 4th-6th grade girls basketball team, the game tonight for Leadore's 4th-6th grade girls basketball team at home (6:30pm) has been canceled. Thank you for your attention.
about 1 year ago, Nate Sessions
Please join us for Senior Night! Senior Night for the girls will be on Saturday, January 20th. Senior Night for the boys will be on Friday, February 2nd. We would love to see a large crowd here to support our seniors. Go Mustangs!
about 1 year ago, Mr. Mayo
Due to weather in their region, the girls basketball game against Murtaugh on Wednesday the 17th has been canceled. As a result, there is no late start on Thursday the 18th. We will begin school at the regular time. Junior High/High School students will also have a field trip on the 18th. We will be going to Salmon as an end-of-semester activity to enjoy some pizza and bowling. The first round of bowling and the pizza will be paid for by the school. Students are welcome to bring extra money if they wish. Because of the weather, many of the games that were canceled last week have been rescheduled. The rescheduled game with NG will be this Monday. We will have a late start on Tuesday Jan. 23. Thank you, and have a wonderful day!
about 1 year ago, South Lemhi School District
For any parents interested in ski lessons at Maverick for themselves see attached poster. SLSD #292 will not be organizing this but parents are welcome to participate on their own.
about 1 year ago, South Lemhi School District
17-24 Jan 2024 Newsletter
about 1 year ago, Student Body
Due to the weather, the game for tomorrow at North Gem (Jan.12) will be canceled.
about 1 year ago, Mr. Mayo
Due to the weather, American Heritage has decided to cancel the games for tomorrow (Jan. 11). There will be no basketball games tomorrow.
about 1 year ago, Mr. Mayo
The Junior High Boys' Basketball game for today has been canceled. Watersprings school canceled school, so they will not be able to make it to the game.
about 1 year ago, Mr. Mayo
15-18 Jan 2024 Newsletter
about 1 year ago, Student Body
The basketball game scheduled for this afternoon January 9 between the Mustangs and the Rockland Bulldogs has been canceled because of weather. The game has been rescheduled for January 25 beginning at 5:30.
about 1 year ago, District Office
There is one more change to the High School Boys' Basketball Schedule and one change for the Junior High Boys' Basketball Schedule. We were scheduled to play Challis on February 9th, but that is the first day of Boys districts, so we had to reschedule the games on February 9th to January 17th. We will have the JH boys play at 4:00. The JV boys will have a 1/2 game at 5:30. Varsity boys will play at 6:30. I will attach the updated schedules for HS and JH boys.
about 1 year ago, Mr. Mayo
HS Boys Basketball
JH Boys Basketball
We are quickly approaching the end of the first semester. If you have a junior high (7th & 8th grade) student that is in need of an adjustment to their daily schedule. We need a parent to contact the school to inform us of the changes that need to be made. We would like to have all schedules updated by the end of the week, January 4th. You can email Janet (academic counselor) at Thank you for your help.
about 1 year ago, Mrs. Janet Proulx
Elementary Skiers! Our Maverick Ski days are scheduled (snow pending) for February 16th and February 23rd. A bus will be running for both ski days and all students skiing will be required to ride the bus to Maverick Mountain. Students may ride home with parents after the ski day. Additionally, a Maverick employee will be at the school Monday, Feb. 5th to measure students for gear. Students without their own equipment are REQUIRED to be measured on the 5th or will not be allowed to participate in the ski days. No exceptions. There will be more information sent home with students as the date gets closer. Happy New Year!
about 1 year ago, South Lemhi School District