Leadore Mustang cross country team is hosting districts October 18th starting at 2pm at the city park.
Why not come show your support wearing the newest team support gear!!! Contact Coach Kendall or Coach Jones for sizes and price. (Proceeds going directly to the team)

Leadore Community Library is hosting Family Reading Night-"Art is All Around Us" on Monday, November 6th, from 5-7pm, in the Leadore High School Multi-Purpose Room. There will be Arts and Crafts Activity Stations, as well as refreshments. Fun for all ages, and everyone is invited!

Next week is District Volleyball (October 17 in Shelly) and District Cross Country (October 18th here in Leadore). We want to support and celebrate the accomplishments of those that participated on these teams.
To help with the schedule and show more support, we will have an Online Day October 18th. This will be for grades 7-12 only. Grades K-6 get the day off in Leadore and Tendoy. Lets support our Mustangs by cheering them on to State!

Newsletter 16-19 Oct 2023

Good morning. For your information, families that qualified for free and reduced lunch last year but have not yet filled out the paperwork for this school year, need to do so by the 12th of October. This will retain your free and reduced status. Forms can be found on the school website and in our school office. Thank you!

4-11 October 2023 Newsletter

Please disregard the last message. This the correct link for the School Pictures and has the Retakes folder included. Sorry for the confusion!

We just received word that the Jr. High game this afternoon, September 27th, is cancelled. Clark can not bring a team. We are unsure at this time if the game will be rescheduled.

Blue and White...Senior Night!!! Come support the Lady Mustangs this week. Watersprings on Tuesday at 4pm. Thursday is SENIOR NIGHT. We are playing N. Gem. Dress in Blue and White to see some Dynamite Volleyball action! Go Mustangs!

Picture Retakes are this Wednesday, Sept. 27th 1st period.
PLEASE let your student know if they are doing retakes so we can get a head count. Thanks!

Newsletter 27-4 October 2023

As the weather turns...we would like to remind parents that students are requested to have gym shoes if they need to stay in doors. We request this for safety and facility reasons. Thank you.

The Junior Class is hosting a Craft Fair on November 4th from 9-5. There will be vendors from around the area, carnival booths for family fun and food. For vendor and general questions...contact a Junior or talk with Mr. Ramsey.

The School Pictures are ready. Please follow the link to view your student's pictures.
Picture Retakes will be the morning of Wednesday, September 27th. Please let your student know if you want retakes. Thanks!

Parents reminder IRI Testing tomorrow Kindergarten - 3rd Grade!

20-27 Sept 2023 Newsletter

Breakfast Monday will be:
Strawberry cream cheese bagels

Thank you for a great start for the school year! There are a few items to be aware of as we continue. We know that there is always a ton of paperwork involved. Please be aware that some items are time sensitive, such as the form for "Free and Reduced" food related documenation. If you have not done so, please turn in these forms as soon as possible so we can continue to provide the best service possible. Thank you.

Picture Day is tomorrow, Sept. 13th! All students, staff, clubs & support staff come with a smile!

13-20 Sept 2023 Newsletter!